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chive的中文意思:n.【植物;植物学】细香葱。n.〔美俚〕小刀。…,查阅chive的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 Chives, scientific name Allium schoenoprasum, is a species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae that produces edible leaves and flowers. Their close relatives include the common onions, garlic, shallot, leek, scallion, and Chinese onion. The Chive also runs a charity organization called Chive Charities, in which they raise awareness and funds for specific individuals in need of assistance. Every t-shirt purchased from the Chivery store donates $1 to Chive Charities. As of May 2019, they have donated over $1,800,000. They have donated to veterans, children with birth defects, shooting victims, Chive 細香蔥. A romatic plants native to Asia, the chive and the Chinese chive belong to the same family as garlic, onion and leek.. 芳香植物原產於亞洲, 細香蔥和中國香蔥、大蒜、蔥和韭蔥屬於同一家庭。 The chive is the smallest member of the onion family. A native of Europe and Asia it was not until the Middle Ages that it was widely cultivated and appreciated. 爱科思瑞铂特(北京)机器智能科技有限公司在人工智能金融科技方向做了大量投入, 产品内各项指标均由后台强大的人工智能机器学习系统提供,未经人工干预。 通过证券市场基本面研判、资产定价估值、风险管理作为基础理论,国内外先进实践为实证依据,深度学习、机器学习、集成学习为 27.01.2013 Chive is your go to source for a variety of modern and contemporary pottery, vases, and terrariums. Browse unique glass, ceramic and porcelain vases, and more.
theCHIVE App is the most-downloaded humor app in Android history. The content variety is a unique mix of Humor, Hotness, and Humanity. No long-winded articles, just your daily dose of the most amusing photos and videos the internet has to offer. - Content curated to be a happy escape - No politics or snarky humor - A little cleavage never hurt anybody - No news! PSRCHIVE is an Open Source C++ development library for the analysis of pulsar astronomical data. It implements an extensive range of algorithms for use in pulsar timing, scintillation studies, polarimetric calibration, single-pulse work, RFI mitigation, etc. These tools are utilized by a powerful suite of user-end programs that come with the library. The software is described in Hotan, van 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供chive的中文意思,chive的用法讲解,chive的读音,chive的同义词,chive的反义词,chive的例句等英语服务。 首页; 翻译; 文档翻译; 人工翻译; 背单词; 精品课; 我的文档翻译; 客户端下载; 专栏平台; 翻译. 释义; 词态变化; 实用场景例句; 英英释义; 行业词典; chive. 英[tʃaɪv] 美[tʃaɪv 小编最近遇到了一件烦心事,在安装SQL Server 2008 R2时由于某些原因总是出现权限不足而导致无法完成安装的错误,为此小编很苦恼,在这里提前说明一下,小编电脑是Win10系统。下面让我们进入今天的话题——如何完美卸载SQL Server 2008 R2。一、卸载SQL Server 2008 (R2) 1、找到控制面 … And the chive adour was the strongest and the water content met requirements when the time of sublimation drying at 0℃ was 6 hour,analytical drying at 25℃ was 2 hour and the vacuum degree was 60 Pa. 满足香葱香味最浓郁及水分要求的条件为:0℃下升华干燥6h,25℃下解析干燥2h,真空度60Pa。 参考来源 - 提高冻干香葱品质的工艺研究 . 细香葱. · chive (chīv) n. 1. often chives A bulbous herb (Allium schoenoprasum) native to Eurasia, having clusters of usually pink to rose-violet flowers and cultivated for its long, slender, hollow leaves. 2. chives The leaves of this plant used as a seasoning. [Middle English chive, from Anglo-Norman, from Latin cēpa, onion.] American Heritage® Dictionary of
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Chive is your go to source for a variety of modern and contemporary pottery, vases, and terrariums. Browse unique glass, ceramic and porcelain vases, and more.
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Chive definition, a small bulbous plant, Allium schoenoprasum, related to the leek and onion, having long, slender leaves that are used as a seasoning. See more. ‘Giving away your distribution is dangerous’: A town hall with Chive Media Group’s Eric Spielman. CHIVE TV Wins ‘Best Brand Platform’ at 2017 Digiday Awards. Chive hires investment banker to take financial reins of $60M millennial-focused business PSRCHIVE Software Installation NEW! If you are installing PSRCHIVE and other pulsar software for the first time, then have a look at the Complete Installation Instructions. The latest release of PSRCHIVE can be downloaded as a single file. Alternatively, the development version of the code can be checked out of the Git repository. The installation instructions are slightly different in the two garlic chive n. a plant of eastern Asia; larger than Allium schoenoprasum. 同义词: Chinese chive Oriental garlic Allium tuberosum. large flat leaves used as chive is used; 以上来源于: WordNet chive的中文意思:n.【植物;植物学】细香葱。n.〔美俚〕小刀。…,查阅chive的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 Chives, scientific name Allium schoenoprasum, is a species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae that produces edible leaves and flowers. Their close relatives include the common onions, garlic, shallot, leek, scallion, and Chinese onion.
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